Сетевое издание
Международный студенческий научный вестник
ISSN 2409-529X


Максютин М.И. 1 Лопатина О.И. 1
1 Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет
1. Лопатина, О.И. Психосберегающие технологии: метод проектов. / О.И.Лопатина. – Пенза: Издательский Дом «Академия Естествознания». – Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – 2011. № 8. – С. 123.
2. Воробец, Л.В. Массовая культура как объект аксиологического исследования. / Л.В. Воробец // Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. Вопросы теории и практики. – 2013. № 4-1 (30). – С. 49-52.

Video game development is the process of creating a video game. Traditional commercial PC and console games are normally funded by a publisher and take several years to develop. Indie games can take less time and can be produced cheaply by individuals and small developers. The indie game industry has seen a rise in recent years with the growth of new online distribution systems and the mobile game market.

The first video games were developed in the 1960s, but required mainframe computers and were not available to the general public. Commercial game development began in 1970s with the advent of first generation video game consoles and home computers. However, approaching the 21st century, ever-increasing computer processing power and heightened consumer expectations made it difficult for a single developer to produce a mainstream console or PC game [1].

Mainstream PC and console games are generally developed in phases. First, in pre-production, pitches, prototypes, and game design documents are written. If the idea is approved and the developer receives funding, a full-scale development begins. The games go through development, alpha, and beta stages until finally being released. Modern games are advertised, marketed, and showcased at trade show demos. Mobile games are, in general, much quicker to develop than the mainstream PC and console games. Usually mobile games are published as early as possible, often after five months of development, in order to see how they perform [2].

Библиографическая ссылка

Максютин М.И., Лопатина О.И. РАЗРАБОТКА ИГР // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2015. – № 5-1. ;
URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=12768 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024).

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