Сетевое издание
Международный студенческий научный вестник
ISSN 2409-529X


Наумова И.Д. 1 Надвикова И.А. 1
1 Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет
1. Першина Е.А. Английский язык для экономических специальностей: учеб.пособие. – Комсомольск – на – Амуре: ФГБОУ ВПО «КнАГТУ», 2011. – 112 с.
2. Воробец Л.В. Проблема глобализации и распространения глобального языка в межкультурном аспекте / Л.В. Воробец // Дальний Восток России: историко-культурное наследие и социально-культурное развитие. Чтения, посвященные памяти профессора Л. Н. Долгова : материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Комсомольск-на-Амуре, 17 марта 2014 г. / редкол.: Я.С. Иващенко (отв. ред.) [и др.]. – Комсомольск-на-Амуре: ФГБОУ ВПО «КнАГТУ», 2014. – 164 с.

Heraclit’s statement is an essential proof of dynamism in society: Time flies, time slips. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter which sphere of life is concerned, the gist is in effect inside (communication skills, problem-solving/decision-making skills and technology skills) and consequences outside (create, use, and manage on your own in your professional domain). As a result, we can affirm that today tendencies involve into a formation of student’s professional background. The category of tendencies varies from time to time regarding time, industry, policy, economy, social dynamism [1]. Moreover, all tendencies are divided into global and regional which in the aggregate create the applicable conditions for innovations in any professional background and also lead to the appearance of new and actual perspectives on a labour market in a particular profession namely in our scientific research as public administration. Consequently, the following analysis of dynamism of up-to-date tendencies in the profession like public administration is obvious due to techno diachronism (innovations and outputs of appliances) and political doctrine and reformation of modern life (laws, orders, norms, rules for the whole globalization). In public administration especially nowadays most social violations are actual for 21st century. That we easily observe during a hard period of civil war on the Ukraine, Euro-union sanctions against Russian Federation, American desire of getting a domination on a global even universal level, chaotic currency flotation and volution on Stock Exchange, activisation and consolidation of fashion (bandwagon) on past historical tendencies, artificial outbreak of diseases in Africa, mass media propaganda of distorted information about a superpower (e.g. RF) for the sake of provocation and hate to it among Europeans and others nationalities [2].

Библиографическая ссылка

Наумова И.Д., Надвикова И.А. ДИНАМИКА СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ТЕНДЕНЦИЙ В ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ СФЕРЕ (ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ) ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2015. – № 5-1. ;
URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=12770 (дата обращения: 09.05.2024).

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